Monday, July 21, 2008

Money safety

With some recent issues in banking and the mortgage lending business (IndyMac - taken over by the FDIC) some may wonder whether their financial institution is okay?  Well it depends!  I know, kind of a weak answer to the question, but just like many other things, you need to understand the situation.  Banks, savings & loans, and credit unions all fall under and regulatory body.  Each of these institutions has insurance coverage required by law in that industry.  For the most part you are looking at protection of $100,000 per account (checking, savings, etc.) for that individual.  Beyond that things are potentially at risk.  Now this amount does not apply to an investment-type of account which bears risk and has no guarantees on just about anything!  SO the moral of the story boys & girls is to understand the rules.  This is always a good idea, but when you are talking about your money, it is critically important.

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