Tuesday, July 29, 2008

International financial market news

The U.S. markets are having a little rebound early today. Oil has dipped below $121 a barrel. OPEC ministers feel that they will not cut production preferring to have a healthy supply/demand balance to help stabilize prices, even admitting that prices need to come down a little more. Americans remain with a gloomy outlook on the economy though there are industries and areas of the country were things are better than other places.

Overseas there are still signs of eceonomic difficulties. Though Germany's inflation rates hovers around 3.3% there is a 5 year low in morale/confidence in the economy in Germany. The jobless rate in Japan is on the rise. In Australia, Starbucks is shutting 2/3 of its stores in a cost-savings measure.

For investors, careful review of emerging markets are still showing value for the investment dollar, so consider those. The larger country stocks need to be followed and look for buying opportunities as we hit bottom of this bear market, there will be great buying opportunities all over the world.

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