Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Apple iPhone 3G

Well, the Apple iPhone 3G made its worldwide debut on Friday, July 11th.  There were over 1 million units sold in that first weekend, and sales are still going strong.  I attempted to get mine on Friday, but the lines were real long!  I got to the store around noon, the line was long so I went to lunch and did some shopping.  Came back to the line around 1:30 and talked to someone still outside who had been waiting for 3.5 hours!  I decided to try again another day!  Yes, the phone still is locked to ATT, though different from a year ago, ATT coverage has greatly improved in my neighborhood, so I am ready to take the plunge.  The 3G will allow surfing the net at faster speeds than the EDGE network of the first iPhone, though WiFi is still faster if you are close to a hotspot.  This is important if you have 3G access where you are at (I do at work, but the home area doesn't have it yet, though the talk is soon!).  There is also an Apps Store which will allow iPhone users an ability to customize their phone to their liking with additional application software (games, productivity, etc.).  The phone comes in white 16GB, and black 8GB & 16GB.  I haven't decided yet.  I do like the black, but I have the iTouch which is black so I may decide on the white!

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