Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I have recently discovered Yoga . . .

My wife had tried some yoga a couple of weeks ago, and like many guys, I was like "whatever". I finally spent some time, over the last month, reading one of her magazines, Yoga Journal. We began about 2 weeks ago just trying some of the poses (about 5-10 minutes a night). This past Saturday, I went to my first official Yoga class (vinyasana), which was 60 minutes of moving from pose to pose, holding each one for between 3 and 7 breaths. This was a very tiring workount and I was really perspiring at the end. I do have to say I was stiff the rest of that day and the next day, but I can tell you on Wednesday, that my back hasn't felt this good in years! We are now doing 15-20 minutes every day, usually before going to sleep. I have had good restful sleeps in the last few nights since doing this!

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