Monday, June 16, 2008

Welcome to my blog!

This is kind of strange since I started a blog about 2 years ago, got busy, never kept up with it and eventually just dropped it.  Well, time to fix that!  I will be making a concerted effort to post regularly so for those who happen upon this site, find some things of value.

Some subjects I will be talking about in this blog:

1. Finance, business, etc.  (my educational background is in finance, management, and international business)

2. Apple (I am a recent convert to the MacBook Pro, with the Intel processors - awesome)

3. Exercise and staying healthy (I work out a lot; I am a certified Spinning instructor, I run and bike, and just recently started doing yoga)

4. Traveling (my favorite thing to do when I have free time and extra money)

5. Other items (recently, December 22, 2007, I became a vegetarian)

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