Tuesday, August 26, 2008

It has been a while . . .

I am back from vacation and getting caught up on things and it has been a while since I posted.  I was hoping someone out there would have straightened out the markets while I was away!  What were you people doing out there!  Oh well, I guess I didn't really expect oil prices to come down below $100 a barrel.  Nor, did I really expect the Dow to rise back up toward 12,000, NASDAQ above 2,500 and the S&P above 1,350!  Hey we can dream can't we!  At this writing we have begun the Democratic National Convention in Denver, CO.  The Republicans will get their shot in Minnesota after this.  As this concerns the markets, we should be seeing statistics, as we begin winding up the year, as to which party would be better for the markets.  I don't know what kind of faith you can put in this, but here are some of the numbers:

The Dow is the first year of a President's term:

Republican   +3.9%
Democrat  +6.0%

Who knows what will happen this time around!

There are certain industries that seem to be doing well in this slowing economy and 3rd quarter overall will be tough.  Some of the best hanging in there (with upward revisions in earnings) are Healthcare, Aerospace, Telecoms, Financials (yes they have no where to go but up).  Energy and Utilities are showing downward revisions to earnings!  So, still plenty of time until the end of the year, but as the 3rd quarter is winding down, many people look to reallocate their investment portfolio.  This is a tough year for much and most people would not have been on the sidelines with cash, so some strong analysis not only among which sectors should one be in, but in what company within that sector!

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