Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy New Year!

Here is the first post of the new year - did I miss anything???  2009 was sure a crazy year with any related to money and financing.  Scandals, bankruptcies, closures, layoffs, and many other things.  We also found out that the age old "diversification" does not work real well when everything goes in the dump!  We still have the Big 3, though for how long remains to be seen.  The markets seem to be waiting for January 20th and the swearing in of the new President to determine where things are headed.  

Banks are asking for more money, companies are still closing and laying off, retailers had a bad holiday season, now new job creation, those worried about their jobs are not spending!  Yuck!

After some early "up" days in all markets including international, there seems to be a slight downturn which began yesterday and continues as I write this.  Most markets in U.S., Asia and Europe are down (Nikkei was an exception).

The safe investment/savings play of Treasuries - good idea, but with these rates, the mattress is looking better all the time.

I am just looking myself right now, not a lot out there that appeals to me at the moment.  I think for the year I am going to look at biotechnology, pharma, technology (non-consumer), and energy.  We will see if I am right!

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